General Questions
Q: Is TAF 2020 cancelled?
A: Our short answer is: No, TAF 2020 is not cancelled! Due to safety concerns regarding COVID-19, TAF is pivoting to a digital conference for 2020. Our program directors and senior staff are working hard to bring the TAF we all know and love straight to your homes! Please see TAF’s full statement on this decision linked here.
Registration Questions
Q: When is the registration deadline?
A: Campers must be registered by Wednesday, July 22, 2020 at 11:59:59 PM CT. Families interested in the Sprouts and Juniors programs must register their camper by Wednesday, July 15, 2020 at 11:59:59 PM CT in order for their camper to receive the Sprouts/Juniors Starter Kit by the start of camp. Please email / for more information.
Q: How much does TAF 2020 cost?
A: Because we know many families are being financially impacted by COVID-19, registration fees are on a sliding scale between $0-50 per camper; families can choose to pay what they can. You will see the option to choose when you move through registration. Fees collected will go towards the costs of our online conference format, including software, program speakers, mailing supplies for campers/staff, t-shirts, and more.
Q: What program should I register my camper for?
A: TAF 2020 Online will be divided into five programs. You should register your camper based on most recent school grade completed:
- Sprouts: Grades 1-3
- Juniors: Grades 4-5
- Junior High: Grades 6-8
- Youth: Grades 9-12
- Labs: All ages welcome!
Programming Questions
Q: What is the schedule for TAF 2020 Online?
A: You can view our full program schedule and online calendar here.
Q: Where can I learn more about the speakers and workshops for each program?
A: To learn more about each program’s plans for TAF 2020, check out our program overview pages for Sprouts (grades 1-3) and Juniors (grades 4-5); for Junior High (grades 6-8) ; for Youth (grades 9-12); and for Labs (open to all adults, parents, alumni, staff, etc.).
Q: Are campers required to attend all programming?
A: We encourage campers to attend all programming on weekends to get the most out of their digital TAF experience! However, we understand scheduling conflicts can come up and still encourage you to register your camper to participate in as much as they can. Optional programming will occur during weeknights.