TAF Real World – Week #3 of 51

Sherry dances with love during WEEK 3 (or 49 WEEKS โ€™til TAF):

Honk! I Will Dance.

Hey TAF!

This is Sherry Lin here (a JR counselor this past year at TAF for those that don’t know me). For this week’s Love Out Loud post, I wanted do something to put smiles on people’s faces after a long day of classes or work by dancing in the streets of Chicago! I got the idea from Jaeson Ma’s “365 Days of Love” Project. I thought this would be a great way to make people smile. So, I grabbed a bunch of my friends (some Tafers, some not) to do this with me. Hope you enjoy the video (edited by Andrew Lo, thanks!) and keep spreading the looooove!

Untitled from Andrew Lo on Vimeo.

Location: intersection of State and Wacker, Chicago.
Special thanks to Andrew Lo, Bettina Chang, Kevin Chen, Jireh Pua, Elaine Pua, Eshan Pua, David Chang, Peter Tan, Shirley Yang, Vivian Moy, Vanessa Moy
We want to hear/see/read/experience your thoughts on LOVING OUT LOUD! Whether it’s how you showed love to someone, or how someone loved on you, or maybe even both! If you didnโ€™t sign up for a week for the TAF Blog to post your entry during TAF2010, please sign up here!

Instructions are listed on the spreadsheet.

8 Responses to “TAF Real World – Week #3 of 51”

  1. Howieee =]

    OMG! I NEVER MET ANY OF YOU, but YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME! hahahahahahah I sooOoOooo wanna do that ๐Ÿ˜€ AWESOME IDEA SHERRY!!! WHOOOOOOOOOOT! sooooOOo FUNNNY!

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