Why should I send my kids to TAF?

In addition to learning about Taiwan and tools for personal development, the TAF Summer Conference is an opportunity for kids to connect with other kids of Taiwanese heritage in the Midwest. Year after year, we hear that making new friends is the best part of the summer conference. What also makes TAF stand apart from other conferences is that we’re the longest running Taiwanese group. We offer over 35 years experience and are constantly refining our program to reflect the needs of the Taiwanese American community.

This is my child’s first sleep away camp and I’m worried about them.

For many campers, this is often their first sleep away camp and we understand that kids may be nervous about being on their own for the first time. TAF is happy to work with parents to create a positive experience for their kids. If parents would like to communicate any specific needs before the start of or during TAF, they can communicate that either during the registration process or email us at hello@tafworld.org. Communications will be directed to the Program Directors so that counselors can be prepared.

Are the campers really be camping? Are they going to be in tents and building their own fires?

No. Campers will be staying in air conditioned college dormitories and have hot meals in the college cafeteria.

Which generation of parents send their kids to TAF and participate in the Parents Program?

There is a mixture of first and second generation parents.

My child has special needs such as food allergies or daily medication requirements. Can my child attend TAF?

Yes. Please note their needs on the medical waiver form during registration and be sure that your child brings all the necessary medication with them to the summer conference. The information will stay confidential and be shared only with people who are in direct contact with your child such as their counselor or advisor.

I went to TAF as a youth and remember the program being pretty political. Is that still the case?

TAF’s approach is to introduce Taiwan in a fun and interactive manner and to focus on the cultural aspects of Taiwan.

Why should I care about the themes?

To help our children grow into fullest potential, the rotating themes of Identity, Ethics and Values, Communication, and Leadership give structure to developing strong servant leaders.

What’s servant leadership?

Servant leadership is a philosophy where service and leadership are intertwined. It is about taking your own personal talents and strengths and leading with compassion, humility, and respect, something that our leaders today should have.

What if I’ve registered and need to cancel?

If you need to cancel your registration, please email hello@tafworld.org to request a refund. To receive a full refund, cancellation requests must be received by 23:59PM PT on June 30, 2025. Any cancellation requests received after June 30, 2025 will be eligible for a partial refund of 80% until July 15, 2025, and 60% until July 25, 2025. Refunds will not be issued for cancellations received after July 25, 2025. Please allow 6-8 weeks after the end of the TAF summer conference to receive your refund.  

Refunds will not be given for early dismissal due to homesickness, misconduct or medical reasons.

Will I get a refund if camp is canceled or my child needs to come home early?

If we have to cancel camp before the first day of the session, we will provide a complete refund.

If your child is sent home early from TAF due to medical reasons, we will do our best to issue a refund. Refunds will not be given for early dismissal due to homesickness or misconduct including disruptive behavior, TAF rules violations, illegal activities, or other actions such as intentionally causing injury to another TAFer. Parents may be held responsible if any such behavioral, medical, or mental issues are withheld from medical screening at registration, including not being able to participate in the TAF conference in future years.

Can parents come for the whole week?

Parents are welcome to come for the week as Conference volunteers. However the conference is a time for children and teens to learn about themselves and TAF encourages parents to give their child the space to learn how to become independent individuals. If you are interested in volunteering at the Conference, please reach out to us at hello@tafworld.org. Please note, there will be a Parents Weekend Program, but there are otherwise no activities planned for parents who come for the week.

How do I know what’s going on with my child while they’re at TAF?

Photos and videos will be shared on TAF’s social media platforms including Facebook and Instagram. Additionally, we share highlights and updates throughout the week via our newsletter, so be sure to subscribe to stay updated.

Are cell phones allowed?

Campers may bring cell phones to the Summer Conference but are not permitted to have it with them while TAF is active. Children may use their cell phones during their free time. If parents need to reach their kids in the event of an emergency during active sessions, please feel free to contact the appropriate Program Director.

My child will be flying home from TAF. Will there be someone there to make sure they’re not last one on campus?

Yes. We collect everyone’s flight information so that we can make sure that your child isn’t left alone on campus.

What is your disciplinary policy?

The staff at the TAF Summer Conference will strive not only to provide fun and learning experiences, but also to stress respect for the environment and others. If a camper is found to be repeatedly interfering with the enjoyment of other campers or staff members, the Conference Director will intervene reminding the camper of his/her responsibility to behave in an appropriate manner. The Conference Director may choose to enforce an appropriate disciplinary action (i.e. time out, a discussion, loss of free time, etc.) which is consistent with the philosophy of the camp and supports the camper’s dignity. Please review the rules with your child and make sure they are understood. We believe that you as a parent/guardian will appreciate knowing of any problem that your child may experience. TAF reserves the right to suspend or expel any camper from the program who poses serious continual discipline problems. If such behavior warrants it, an immediate suspension or expulsion may result. If we need to remove the camper from the program immediately, the parent will be notified. No refunds will be given.

As a parent, do I still need to register if I’m only going for TAF Night? I’m not staying on campus and don’t know if I’ll be eating at the cafeteria or not.

Yes, registration is required for everyone. To keep the camp safe, TAF requires all parents and visitors who arrive on campus to register, regardless if they are staying or eating with us. Those who are not registered will immediately be escorted away from the camp for the safety of our children.

Why is there a waitlist?

In order to provide TAFers with a fun camp experience that meets our standards of safety and quality programming, all programs will implement a camper capacity limit. Programs will fill up quickly so we highly recommend registering as soon as possible to secure a spot. Once a program reaches capacity, registrants will be placed on a waitlist, as there will likely be a handful of remaining spots open. Please know that a waitlist is the last thing we want and we wish we had the resources to accept everyone. Waitlisted campers will be selected to ensure camper balance within programs.

How does the waitlist work?

Waitlisted campers will be selected to ensure camper balance within programs. If your camper(s) are on the waitlist, you will be notified whether they come off the waitlist beginning April 30, 2025 and payment will be due within 24 hours to secure your spot, otherwise it will be forfeited. To confirm your camper’s spot and complete the registration process, full payment must be received.

In the event of cancellations, additional campers may be accepted from the waitlist on a rolling basis, until Monday, June 30, 2025.

Should I register my child even after their program is full?

Yes, TAF recommends registering your child as soon as possible even if the camper capacity limit has been reached.

Should I register for a bus?

Yes, waitlisted campers should register for a bus so that a seat is secured if they are able to attend TAF.

Will I be charged if I’m on the waitlist?

Campers on the waitlist will not be charged until a spot opens up and the parents confirm that their child can attend.

What if I have a child who is on the waitlist for their program and another child who is not waitlisted (in a different program)?

You may register for multiple programs and will only need to pay for the camper(s) who have confirmed registration statuses. You will not be charged for the camper on the waitlist until it is confirmed that they are able to attend.

If you decide to cancel your registration for all campers, please email us at hello@tafworld.org by 11:59 PM CT on June 30, 2025 in order to receive a full refund.

My child and/or someone in my immediate family is immunosuppressed (i.e. higher risk for severe illness). Can we still participate this summer?

Out of an abundance of care and precaution, TAFers with any comorbidities or living as part of a higher-risk household should consult a physician before deciding to participate in TAF, a group community activity. Though we are taking extensive actions to keep the community safe, TAF is not able to guarantee that a person on our site will not be exposed to COVID-19 or any other illnesses. If you have any concerns, please contact the Medical Director (medical@tafworld.org) to set up a time to discuss how we can help.

How will TAF respond to a potential COVID-19 case or positive test during camp?

These protocols are subject to change.

Due to the nature of commonality of COVID-19 viral illness, we will not be testing throughout TAF.

If a TAFer is symptomatic with viral illness symptoms (cough, fever, runny nose, etc), the TAFer will be monitored closely as symptoms progress. If a cough is present, it will be asked of the TAFer to wear a mask to decrease any spread of any illness. If a TAFer is positive for COVID on a home test not provided by TAF, they will be asked to be masked for the remainder of the week. If the TAFer persists with fever for greater than 48 hours, they will be asked to leave campus.

  • These protocols may also be used with campers who may have other communicable diseases that can easily spread such as gastrointestinal viruses, norovirus, other seasonal viral colds, etc., which may be prevalent in group settings.

All final determinations are to be made by TAF’s Medical Team and Medical Director.

What resources does TAF have in place to respond to illness at Camp?

As in previous years, we plan to have a team of volunteer medical staff who will be working and living on-site for the duration of TAF. They will be available throughout the week for medications, injuries, and sickness.

I just finished 12th grade. Can I still go to TAF?

Yes! The Youth Program is designed for teens who have completed grades 9-12.

I want to get involved. What Coordinator positions can I apply for?

There are a variety of areas: Hospitality, Choir, Swing Choir (choreographed dance), Social Media, Yearbook, and TAF Night. Contact the Coordinators' Coordinators for more information (cocos@tafworld.org) for more information.

Is the Parents Weekend Program just for parents with campers at TAF?

No. TAF welcomes all adults to the Parents Weekend Program and is a great opportunity for TAFers to reunite for the weekend.

Will there be programming for children for the weekend?

Unfortunately, programming is not available for children who arrive for the weekend. The Parents Program is designed for adults and children may not join the main conference for the weekend.

Can I arrive on Saturday for the Parents Weekend Program?

TAF strongly encourages attendees to arrive for 6pm dinner on Friday evening. Please understand that TAF has a limited number of volunteers. Arrivals outside those times may mean there may not be staff available to check you in.

If I didn’t register online, can I just show up and still attend the Parents Weekend Program?

No. All attendees must register online ahead of time so that there is an accurate headcount for rooms and meals.

I’d like to come for the Parents Weekend Program. Do I need to stay on campus?

No. TAF offers a meals-only plan for those who would like to stay at hotels. The closest hotels are about 15 miles away.

Some hotel recommendations for those who opt for non-dormitory housing:

I have a family with special needs. What kind of accommodations can TAF provide?

TAF has a limited number of rooms available to assist families with special needs. Priority is first given to families who have members that have disabilities, the elderly, and then to families with small children. Rooms are available on first-come, first-served and are based on when the family registered. Please indicate special needs under medical information on the registration form.

For families that TAF is not able to accommodate, hotels are another option that families may want to consider. TAF offers a meals-only plan for those staying at hotels.

Still have a question? Email us at hello@tafworld.org.